TugaSox is a Portuguese brand created in November 2013 by two friends who love sports (Actually, High-Intensity Training fanatics!)



The concept originally came from our frustration of never being able to find fun and exciting knee-high socks. This training accessory was mandatory for leg protection when it comes to rope climbs, barbell scrapings, box jumps and a lot of other nasty and addicting movements we love to perform on a CrossFit® box. So, we've started to import from the USA a lot of fun, colorful and high-quality socks and soon came the idea of ​​sharing this socks addiction with our fitness community.


And that's how we´ve started TugaSox. We needed to have a name that could represent our country and our addiction to loud and funny socks, and so it came to Tuga (the nickname used for Portuguese people), and Sox (by analogy to the English term “socks”).

It took only a few months to increase our range of products, as the market was anxious for new stuff, with high-quality standards at an affordable price.

Soon we were challenged to have gear that could be customized with Logos/Slogans from gyms, teams, events, companies (…). So, we've searched and soon found manufacturers that helped us bringing ideas to life.


Nowadays, more than 80% of our range of products is produced for us, following our standards of quality, versatility, and durability, and can be customized according to customers' needs and preferences.

We often see people wearing our products outside the gym, as they are smooth, comfortable and fashionable. This is what makes it so special for us. It is not only about producing sportswear – it's a range of products that people love to wear anywhere.

This is what drives us and keeps us focused to keep on growing TugaSox. Click here and know more about us.

If you have any questions, we are happy to help and welcome all feedback that helps us develop or improve our products and services – please contact us here .

We are here for you! Together we stand!